About Feudal Overlords

Feudal Overlords was the very first game I created that was playable, for a C++ class in computer science. We had to form pairs and do a game in C++ using only SFML and at least 2 external libraries. We also had to avoid singletons and have a well structured class hierarchy.

We faced many challenges, most were obviously related to the difficulty of the task that making a whole game represents. We mostly made the mistake of not starting by doing things that are visible, and instead dove right into the “backend” part of the gameplay, i.e. we first did a “world generation” that output a list of coordinates in a console instead of actually generating a world that was visible.

In the end, we had to correct our project, because even though we knew the gameplay was there, players couldn’t really figure it out. So we spent overtime thinking about feedbacks, and even though the first evaluation was a bit of a failure, it made us learn a lot about using visual feedbacks to make our game more understandable to the player. After a second evaluation, our project was validated by our teachers.